January 2-31, 2008
West Roxbury Branch Library
1961 Centre Street, West Roxbury MA 02132
Meet the artists at the West Roxbury Branch Library on Saturday, January 12th, 2-4pm
A quilt means different things to different people. To a child it is a comfort in the cold, dark, night. To a Grandmother it is a patchwork memory of worn skirts, tea towels, and clothes outgrown. To an artist a quilt can be a story made of buttons and yarn, photographs and feathers, found objects and branches. When the tradition of quilt making intersects with the contemporary world of art making anything can happen. History, Story, Warmth: Quilt presents the work of three New England artists, Jessica Burko, Michelle Jones, and Dawn Wilson. Each of these artists embraces the historical traditions of quilt making and infuses it with their own brand of whimsy and invention. Using text, vintage photographs, variations in scale, and detailed pictorial stitching, these works challenge conventional notions of what it means to be a quilt.
Very nice, and I love the saying. I clicked to enlarge it, and it is so true.