There are so many ways to get back to your roots. To know why you have come into this universe. Searching, exploring, observing...
While trying to get back some thoughts that have been hibernating I came across this artist Hollis Chatelain. What amazing quilts!!! The detail below is just a sample of what this incredible artist is doing. Check out the website for all the wonderful pieces. There is a traveling exhibit that is planned for 2010. I'm hoping it comes to the Boston Area.
December 29, 2008
December 16, 2008
Blog surfing is my release lately. It takes me away from the holiday season and brings me to a safe, creative enjoyable time. During my surfing I have found Robyn's Blog from South Africa. I love the carvings she does.
This picture shows one of her works and her workspace. I love this picture because it incorporates nature and process. Check out this jewel of a blog. I am still exploring all it's treasures.
This picture shows one of her works and her workspace. I love this picture because it incorporates nature and process. Check out this jewel of a blog. I am still exploring all it's treasures.
December 14, 2008
I find it funny hummmm not funny ha ha, that there are so many things to share in this world. A need to connect, a need to share, a need to feel human with the full range of emotions. Our emotions are our connection to every other human being in this world. It is our tracking system to bringing to our lives what we desire. There is so much to learn. Ways to bring peace to one another. To be kind. To give.
I just finished this book and rereading the next. It is a daily reminder we have work to do.
Susan Kapuscinski Gaylord
Check out Susan's blog to see this talented bookartist's new project. Susan makes a word a day journal out of recycled materials. This clever project (after also commiting to my "Life in the color" project and only making it 'till April) seems do-able. Check out her video and other beautiful works.
December 10, 2008
It is amazing how we are all a link away.
Through web surfing I was brought to Karin Bartimole's blog which is filled with her daily journal pages and wonderful thoughts. I feel like she is a soul sister and is on a similar path as myself. Go to her site to check these wonderful little morsals.
We are all connected in some way. We are humans that are connected by thoughts, actions, concerns.... We have passion, we have hurts, we have experiences that bring us all together.
The stirrings of the true spirit of Sprinkles is seeping back into my conscious. Where it will take me I don't know. But what I do know it is important.
Thank you for sharing. Leave a comment in this post and recieve a FREE issue of a past issue of Sprinkles the zine.
Through web surfing I was brought to Karin Bartimole's blog which is filled with her daily journal pages and wonderful thoughts. I feel like she is a soul sister and is on a similar path as myself. Go to her site to check these wonderful little morsals.
We are all connected in some way. We are humans that are connected by thoughts, actions, concerns.... We have passion, we have hurts, we have experiences that bring us all together.
The stirrings of the true spirit of Sprinkles is seeping back into my conscious. Where it will take me I don't know. But what I do know it is important.
Thank you for sharing. Leave a comment in this post and recieve a FREE issue of a past issue of Sprinkles the zine.
December 09, 2008
I found this link while blog surfing and it is so in tune with my daily dilema. Everything I think about and know is happening but can't verbalize the importance of is all right here in this mini movie by Annie Leonard!
Take the time to watch her movie and THINK ABOUT IT!
Everything we do and think effects us all....
December 08, 2008
long long time ago...
It's been a long time and I am finally ready to post again. In the time away there is always thinking, wondering, waiting...
what is this thing called life? where do we go? where are we coming from?
so many people come and go through life's journey and we are still the same person who stands with ourselves. Rethinking art and what is important I have come to some realizations that I am ready to share.
the love of sharing creativity is so very important. I collect and collect from the discards in the hopes to pass these along to someone who will cherish and use these wonderful pieces.
Today I have come across Seth Apter who has a rich blog full of giving. Check out his wonderful textured mixed media work.
Also visiting Alma Stoller's blog you can view her wonderful new zine called soul craft.
These two people have sparked that flame once again to reach out and start doing instead of just thinking. I am seriously thinking of doing a new issue of Sprinkles the zine with a new twist. Then in the spirit of giving I want to have a give away. Paper, paper, paper everywhere..... The first ten people to leave a comment in this post will receive an envelope of paper/ephemera/and a goodie or two.
April 10, 2008
Shelter Exhibit - come and visit
Boston Book Arts Presents SHELTER:
a Unique Vision of a Universal Subject Through Artist’s Books
SHELTER focuses attention on a universal subject and one of humanity’s most basic needs – in all its manifestations: the home, the psychology of personal space, current issues in the housing market such as homelessness, the mortgage crisis and loss of historic fabric. 43 artists have been chosen to participate in SHELTER, an exhibition of artist’s books juried by Janine Wong, faculty member in the College of Visual and Performing Arts at UMASS/Dartmouth.
The exhibit is on view at the Wedeman Gallery at Lasell College in Newton, MA from April 10th to April 22nd. The public is cordially invited to attend the opening reception to be held on Thursday April 10th from 4pm to 7pm.
The gallery is located in the Yamawaki Arts & Cultural Center at 49 Myrtle Avenue on the corner of Grove Street in Newton. The exhibit is free and open to the public Monday - Sunday 12 pm - 5 pm.
Come visit me on Sunday April 13, from noon to 5, I will be gallery sitting and would love to see you all.
April 06, 2008
March - Life in Brown
Although I was very enthusiastic about the color brown this month, life threw a curve ball. Work had layoffs and the bulk of the people let go effected me directly.
Above is how we ended the month of March. The last day of March we drove to NYC and picked up our new family member Mikko. He is brown and rust and such a loveable dog.
The paper quilts are still coming and here is Life in Brown under construction.
and detail. Some more books are being made and will post as soon as they are finished.
March 26, 2008
March 03, 2008
Women of the Cloth Exhibit
I am excited to have my work work represented in the Women of the Cloth Exhibit. There are a lot of talented Women in the Boston area, so if your in the neighborhood stop by. The exhibit runs from March 6 - April 18, 2008 at Bunker Hill Community College. My Mini Art Quilt Affirmation will be exhibited.
The Artist's Reception is Thursday, March 6, 2008 starting at 6:00 pm with a live performance by Libana at 7:30 pm. My fellow Boston Handmade artist Linda Dunn is represented by two of her quilts, and Jeanne Williamson of uncommon quilter is also in the exhibit.
February 29, 2008
Life in Red
February's color was red and was not as inspiring as white. I'm not sure if it was the environment of being surrounded by white that was making me so productive. I've made two 12 x 12 inch paper quilts that are finished and one that is sewn on fabric that needs to be finished.
In response to the colors being affected by my environment I will be tackling brown for March's color. I was contemplating green for spring but I will hold off.
February 20, 2008
Life in White Journals
January's Life in White Journals are now up at my etsy shop. Fill these winter journals with thoughts of spring and renew yourself.
February 10, 2008
Paper quilts
Here is a sneak peak at what I've been working on lately.
My adventures in the color months has lead me to this new body of work that has had my creative juices flowing. Life in White was a wonderful inspiration and I am having a hard time not making "white"work.
Even though February is Life in Red and I've started some 12 x 12" red quilts I squeezed in a piece based on green. The materials inspired me to create this quilt called "Breathe."
Stay tuned for red work coming soon.
My adventures in the color months has lead me to this new body of work that has had my creative juices flowing. Life in White was a wonderful inspiration and I am having a hard time not making "white"work.
Even though February is Life in Red and I've started some 12 x 12" red quilts I squeezed in a piece based on green. The materials inspired me to create this quilt called "Breathe."
Stay tuned for red work coming soon.
February 01, 2008
Undercover Quilt Show in Brooklyn, NY
Here is the link to the show I just entered and didn't get into. There are so many beautiful quilts that didn't get into the show. I love that the owner Amy Shawposted all of the submissions. What a wonderful way to get rejected.
If your in the NY area go see the show and this great little gem of a shop.
Here is the link to the show I just entered and didn't get into. There are so many beautiful quilts that didn't get into the show. I love that the owner Amy Shawposted all of the submissions. What a wonderful way to get rejected.
If your in the NY area go see the show and this great little gem of a shop.
January in White
What a wonderful month of white. Trying a new approach to making art I chose to make art by color. I started the month collecting all my white ephemera, cutting paper to different size squares, and using all the white materials I had. Starting with journals, a continuation of what I had been doing, I started a rhythm of making little collages. This continued to grow throughout the month into making two larger collage pieces and a paper quilt. What a wonderful journey I have started for 2008. As soon as the paper quilt is finished I will take pics and post them.
Here is a mini-art quilt that was also made in January for a show that I did not get in.
February has started and the gears switch to the color RED! I have a feeling pinks will pop up too. What a lovely motivation.
have a creative day
Here is a mini-art quilt that was also made in January for a show that I did not get in.
February has started and the gears switch to the color RED! I have a feeling pinks will pop up too. What a lovely motivation.
have a creative day
January 30, 2008
January 26, 2008
Before and After
Thought you might like to see the before and after studio comparison. I still deal with the clutter of having so much. The artwork ideas have been rolling in and there are not enough hours in a day to do everything. A new direction that has been perk-o-lating for a very long time now is finally rising to the surface. My first paper quilt is almost finished and I will post pictures next.
The studio worktable needs a freshen up for these larger works but I'm hoping they will come fast and furious. However a "Leap and Sleep" with my Girl Scout troop at a gymnastics place tonight will postpone my creativeness. I will slow cook the ideas for a little bit longer.
creatively yours
January 13, 2008
January 11, 2008
Oh how we have such good intentions at the beginning of the year and how soon the old habits of life take over. I am looking at the date and realizing it is only the second week of 2008 and my intentions of what I wanted to do and what I am doing are not jiving.
“If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.”~ Anthony Robbins
Then this quote comes to mind and I wonder how can I change and do things WORTH doing? What can I do different that will take me in a different direction? Why spin on the hamster wheel of life, jump off and take another path. This is what is on my mind as of lately. If you leave me comments on this I will send you a little thank you in the mail. Just email me so I can get your address.
“If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.”~ Anthony Robbins
Then this quote comes to mind and I wonder how can I change and do things WORTH doing? What can I do different that will take me in a different direction? Why spin on the hamster wheel of life, jump off and take another path. This is what is on my mind as of lately. If you leave me comments on this I will send you a little thank you in the mail. Just email me so I can get your address.
January 07, 2008
January 05, 2008
January 04, 2008
January 03, 2008
January 02, 2008
January Quilt Show
January 2-31, 2008
West Roxbury Branch Library
1961 Centre Street, West Roxbury MA 02132
Meet the artists at the West Roxbury Branch Library on Saturday, January 12th, 2-4pm
A quilt means different things to different people. To a child it is a comfort in the cold, dark, night. To a Grandmother it is a patchwork memory of worn skirts, tea towels, and clothes outgrown. To an artist a quilt can be a story made of buttons and yarn, photographs and feathers, found objects and branches. When the tradition of quilt making intersects with the contemporary world of art making anything can happen. History, Story, Warmth: Quilt presents the work of three New England artists, Jessica Burko, Michelle Jones, and Dawn Wilson. Each of these artists embraces the historical traditions of quilt making and infuses it with their own brand of whimsy and invention. Using text, vintage photographs, variations in scale, and detailed pictorial stitching, these works challenge conventional notions of what it means to be a quilt.
January 01, 2008
Well Hellooooooooo
Wipe the slate clean and start fresh. I love the first of the year. Being able to start anew with ideas, directions, and anything else your heart desires. This is my annual Feng Shui mentality of clearing the clutter. Taking the day off from work yesterday I concentrated on my first goal of the new year, CLEAN THE STUDIO! Here are some before photos
Yesterday i dove right in and went through the shelves. Reorganizing, relabeling, weeding out the things I don't use. It was a productive day but let me tell you it is more than a one day project. I will keep you posted.
One of my other goals is to work on artwork based on color. I will be exploring my directions in art with a color theme per month. January will start with WHITE, but of course. It is all around. I have started early and noticed that I am looking at life in a new way. It is leading me in new directions. Here is my first artwork of the new yearJournal 99 white. This is a 5" x 5" journal made from recycled materials plate material, reclaimed paper, ephemera with paint and found objects.
Wipe the slate clean and start fresh. I love the first of the year. Being able to start anew with ideas, directions, and anything else your heart desires. This is my annual Feng Shui mentality of clearing the clutter. Taking the day off from work yesterday I concentrated on my first goal of the new year, CLEAN THE STUDIO! Here are some before photos
Yesterday i dove right in and went through the shelves. Reorganizing, relabeling, weeding out the things I don't use. It was a productive day but let me tell you it is more than a one day project. I will keep you posted.
One of my other goals is to work on artwork based on color. I will be exploring my directions in art with a color theme per month. January will start with WHITE, but of course. It is all around. I have started early and noticed that I am looking at life in a new way. It is leading me in new directions. Here is my first artwork of the new yearJournal 99 white. This is a 5" x 5" journal made from recycled materials plate material, reclaimed paper, ephemera with paint and found objects.
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